The Colouring Book

by Caryl Sunga


Dear young one,


You’re struggling to cope with the hardships of life. Bound by a lot of responsibilities, you yearn for the freedom you once had as a kid. I write this letter to let you know that I’ve seen the secrets to a vivid life, and I intend to share these and guide you on this rainbow-colored journey called life.


Step 1: Open the coloring book.

Open the book. Start the journey. You’ll never get through life if you keep on holding back. Your loved ones will guide you on the first drawings of your life, but soon, you’ll have to do these on your own. Hold the crayons. Learn the basics. You’ll adapt to this learning pace all throughout your life. Make the most out of this learning experience and when you are ready, start coloring your world.


Step 2: Start coloring.

Freedom -- that’s how I describe this phase. You have the power to choose any color, make any stroke, or follow any theme. You learn from other people but you also need to grow from personal experience. Make mistakes and learn from them. Only then will you be able to own your craft. Make the world your canvas.


Step 3: Polish your craft.

Find the right blend of colors. Perfect your strokes. Clean up the edges. The world expects you to be amazing but don’t be scared to start a new style. The world has standards, but so do you. Don’t let these rules confine you in a box. Find what works for you and enjoy how it truly feels to be free. It is after all, your own canvas.

I look forward to seeing you use this coloring book. May it guide you to create your own colorful world.


From the future,




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